Why would I start a mental health blog?
The Full Story
I am a doctorally prepared nurse practitioner working with persons with mental health and substance use disorders. In my role, I have come across so many people who lack access to proper health care and who have limited access to high quality, evidence based information. I decided to begin this blog to help enhance the lives of anyone who reads this.
My goal since I started my career as a nurse many years ago has always been to improve the lives of everyone I came in contact with. Through this blog, I hope to provide education surrounding a wide variety of mental health topics as well as share the experiences of my colleagues and clients in a safe space designed for education and support.
*Please note, as my legal disclaimer states, this information is for educational purposes only. I am not dispensing medical advice. You should always connect with your healthcare provider to discuss diagnosis of (and treatment options for) any health condition. If you are in a crisis, proceed to your nearest emergency room for an appropriate screening and referral to treatment.*